Fun projects on the horizon this week:
– My voice teacher has arranged a coaching session for me this week with her voice coach. I’ll be coaching with a collaborative pianist/opera coach from Julliard on Friday! I’ll be singing Faites-luis mes aveux by Gounod and Sommermued by Schoenberg. This will be my second coaching session with her within the past year, she’s such a fantastic coach.
– If I survive studying for my German test, I’ll be writing a creative non-fiction story about the untimely demise of my great great grandparents to submit to Hard Freight! It’s a bit more inspiring than you think. I need to have it done by the 17th, and I haven’t started it yet… However, I trust my writing abilities to have it done over the weekend.
This day will be slightly busy but not as bad as last week. I have to not get distracted working my lower range now that my voice teacher taught me the vowel brightening trick… I constantly want to sing along with Karen Carpenter now.
PS, I’m going to try this exercising for 30 minutes a day thing. We’ll see how that goes…