Results: Somewhat satisfactory. I worked on some scales and they went fine. I actually got a little songwriting in, which is a miracle. I normally never get into songwriting, but inspiration was afoot and I found it… Or it found me.
I made a lot of progress with Bach, I do believe. I seem to retain sinfonias really well. I’m all smiles about that.
Jazz and Haydn were neglected for the evening, but I started to make progress on a Debussy piece and a song I have to play for Easter. So it wasn’t fruitless, but I do think Haydn and jazz deserve some special attention tomorrow.
So, Mission 1: Half accomplished, yes, with the help of some strong coffee. I’m not good with practicing past 11 PM, but all my practicing was after about 11:30 PM. Thankfully, I live with a bunch of night owls.
I’m hungry. But I must sleep.